Enjoy Spring Dog Walks

Enjoy Spring Dog Walks

With winter now seemingly behind us and the clocks going forward this Sunday in the UK, now is a great time to start thinking about your new adventures on your spring dog walks. The National Trust has a range of different walks across the country. So, if you are looking for somewhere to walk your dog this spring then take a look at the National Trust dog walking and hiking section here - https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/best-places-for-dog-walking Although walking your dog is extremely fun, we do have a few tips in order to help keep your beloved dog safe during your outings.

Avoid Throwing Sticks

Ensuring your dog gets plenty of exercise is very important however you should always try and use a dog safe fetch toy where possible in order to avoid any potential problems. Although we are sure some of you do throw sticks to your dog, we wouldn’t recommend it as it can cause splinters in the dogs mouth which if ingested can then cause further complications. We are not trying to scare you by any means here, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. You can now buy a huge range of dog toys which can be used to play fetch.

Spring Brings Sharp Items

It is the season where the trees and shrubbery will start to grow quite quickly. With this in mind, so do thorns and other nasties which can hurt your dog. When walking your dog just be mindful of any thorn bushes or sharp items and always check your dogs paw pads after a walk to ensure they are fine. If your dog does get a thorn or sharp item in the paw pad you should consult your vet on removing this or visit them immediately if it is serious.

Cold Water

Although the temperatures are starting to rise and the summer is on the horizon, be very careful when it comes to open water with your dog. Although the air temperature may be warm, large bodies of water can still be extremely cold. Just with us humans, if your dog is exposed to water which is too cold it can cause them to get a shock and ultimately freeze up. This will put your dog at an increased risk of drowning.

Tick Season

Tick season is fast approaching. Depending on the areas that your dog plays and walks in, they can contract ticks. A tick will essentially attach itself to your dog and suck blood from them. A red crater will appear on the skin of the dog afterwords. A ‘tick crater’ will show that a tick has at some point been attached to your dog. A tick will usually attach to the face, neck or ears of your dog but they can also attach to other areas of the dogs body. A tick crater will feel like a lump on the skin of your dog. If you discover a tick crater you should examine your dog and remove them as quick as possible. Paralysis ticks are life-threatening, so be mindful to keep an eye on your dogs behaviour after this. If you notice a change your should visit your vet immediately.

Return Of The Flea

Fleas die off a little in the winter however as we start to approach the warmer weather they return, and fast. Always be sure to keep up your dog flea treatment religiously in order to avoid your dog contracting any nasties.

Plant Toxins

Some plants and flowers can be toxic to your dog if ingested, so it’s always worth being weary of what your dog is playing in or chewing. We could write a full blog post on the dangers of plant toxins to dogs, which we may well do in future however these are the main plants that you want to look out for:
  • Tulips
  • Hyacinth
  • Daffodils
  • Lilies
  • Crocus
  • Clematis
  • Foxglove
Finally, spring is an amazing time to walk and bond with your dog, so keep in mind we are not trying to put across all the negatives of this, we are simply highlighting some of the potential dangers. As always, if you would like to speak to a member of our team you can call us or contact us here.
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